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31-day Let's DO This Challenge NEW logo with text.jpg

2 Ways to Participate
- or -
Do it on Your Own

I have created a new course, “The 31-Day Let’s DO This Challenge”! I am SO excited about it!!! After several months and only a few hundred hours of work, it is now finished and ready to launch!!!


If you got here without reading the description of it, please go read "about the challenge" now so you’ll know what it's all about. Then come right back here and read on…


First, before we go on, I want to say that you do not have to be part of a group; you are welcome to just take the course on your own without being part of any group; you'll just pay the regular price for it.


Keep in mind that you can do most of this course anywhere. So even if you’re on a trip, you can still easily do most of it!


The course is normally $19.95. I actually (honestly) feel it is worth at least twice that, but I really wanted it to be affordable for all, so I kept the price low.


There are two group options for taking the challenge/course, and both are free:  (Note that the groups are free, but you pay for the course. And there are two options for price, depending on which group you opt for... 








Barb’s Premiere Launch Group”  



This group is for those who are willing to participate more intentionally and regularly. I will do Facebook Lives on each of the sections of the course. You will get notifications of these. I’ll be doing them at different times to accommodate as many schedules as possible.


Those who participate in this group would follow these three guidelines.


1 – Your PARTICIPATION, as regularly as possible. (I do realize “life happens!) What kind of participation? Very easy! We'll share photos of things we complete in the challenge, victories, progress, joys, and questions - only if you want!


We’ll be doing one challenge every 3 days, which will make it very do-able. There are 31 "days" to the course, and it really could be done at that pace – one challenge per day – but I want to go at a more relaxed pace and do just 1 challenge ("day") every 3 days, which allows for life events and catch-up time.


2 – Your INPUT on the course. Like, what you enjoy about it, any edits or suggestions, make sure the journal and the course content jive and that everything that I say in the video or article is there - like all documents and videos. And, of course, I’d also love to hear what you like about it!


3 – Your WILLINGNESS TO SHARE about it. This is assuming you like what you'll experience and do in it – which I am confident you will!  "Let the lips of another praise you, and not your own." Words from others are much more convincing than me telling about it.


PRICE:  Those who participate in this group get the course for half price. This offer will be good for 5 days, and then the coupon will expire at midnight on Monday August 15th.


START DATE:  Kick-off day will be Monday August 15th, which will get us to the end of the challenge in 3 months, which is a very “do-able” amount of time. We’ll start off with the Challenge Introduction. It’s long, so that’s all we’ll do on that day. Then 3 days later, on Thursday August 18th we’ll do the Day 1 Challenge: "Blues Chaser," then 3 days later, on Sunday, August 21, we'll do Day 2, and so on. And yes, we'll even do it when it falls on a Sunday because that may be the best day for some. 




To sign up for

Barb’s Premiere Launch Groupfor Half-price,


Click HERE 

and enter this code in the Promotion box:








To sign up for

Barb’s Journeyersfor 10% off


Click HERE 

and enter this code in the Promotion box:



(Sorry if that's confusing;

that's a number "10" and then "OFF."

I should have thought that through better!)





This is a general Facebook group that's available to anyone taking the course. You can totally do the course on your own! But this group is for those who'd like to connect with others while taking it, in a non-committed, non-structured way.


As with the above group, you can share photos of things you complete in the challenge, victories, progress, joys, and questions!


There's no time limit and no set pace with this group. Everyone will just go at their own pace and connect here when, as, and if they wish.


I will show up in this group “every so often” to do Facebook Lives.


The first ones to sign up get a 10% discount (for a limited time only).


COURSE OVERVIEW: Go here to read the course overview.  


So IF you want to be part of a group, sign up for whichever group you want, But, again, you are also welcome to just take the course on your own  without being part of any group; you'll just pay the regular price. 


If you do want to be part of either group, you'll need to send me friend request on Facebook, otherwise I won't be able to add you to the group. My name on FB is "Barb Edtl Shelton."



Click here to take

the course on your own.



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