Want to bless a special bride with a special gift shortly before the wedding? This can be given on its own, or as part of a Bless the Bride Blitz, which a wonderful idea and is fully explained in that blog article. This gift bag is what I like to do for my gift for the Bride within that context!
The gift bag contains any of several fun items, which vary each time I do one, depending on what I have on hand. I'm always collecting fun things to go in these, so things come and go, what I have on hand varies.
Here's the Bride Blessing Gift Bag I did for Bridget:

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Here are the contents of Bridget's bag, laid out so that you can see everything:

This Bride Blessing Bag contains:
two nail files [I got the ones above at Michael's; here are some other fun, colorful nail files I found on Amazon.]
several wrapped chocolate mint candies
a packet of almonds ~ for when she's on the run and needs a little energy
a photo bookmarker of Bridget and Mitch
a test tube containing spices for hot apple cider which, once it gets heated with the spices in the test tube, becomes "hot mulled apple cider"! (I put together the mulling spices using whole cloves, allspice, and cinnamon sticks broken up!)
a test tube containing lemongrass bath salts, which I "made." (Super easy!!! I just put about 2 cups of regular Epsom Salts in a bin, only half filling it to allow room for shaking/mixing, add several drops of your favorite oil. I used doTERRA's Lemongrass cuz that's my favorite, plus I added 1 drop of green and 3 drops of yellow food coloring to make it the lime-green color you see in the center test tube above. If it's not vivid enough for you, just add more, in that ratio. I ordered the test tubes from Amazon
a test tube containing bridal-looking bath pearls (from a big jar of them that I bought just for this purpose)
Here are the three test tubes closer-up: (Believe it or not, only one tablespoon fits into each of these test tubes, even though they are about 5" high!) They have plastic stoppers on top, which keep whatever's inside IN there, nice 'n' secure!
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And here's an even-closer view so that you can see the labels ~ which I have in a free printable for you, if you'd like to do something similar. I attached the labels to the bow I made using twine.

Here is the bookmarker I made for Bridget and Mitch. (My instructions for making these will be in a future blog post!)

I did this next Bride Blessing Bag a month after the one for Bridget, and decided that this next one really should have a cute label on it:

Here are all the contents of this one laid out:

Here's a list of the contents:
mini chalkboard with my message: "To Bless the Beautiful Bride!"
four bookmarkers ~ one for the Bride, the Groom, the mother-of-the-Bride (who I know), and one for whomever else she wants to give one to, maybe her sister
Ghirardelli candy square
pack of Breath Savers mints
a little candle kit with a votive candle + matches
a Post-it note + pencil - for her to keep track of last-minute notes
mulling spices + a bag of apple cider - for a nice cuppa hot spiced cider
And now a few more pictures of and notes on these:
First, here's a close-up of the top of the clear cellophane bag (5" X 11") and the tag. I tied the white organdy bow on first, then the wider gold ribbon, then the narrow gold cording bow with the tag dangling from it. I inserted a flower down inside the neck of the bag:

Here's how to attach the above tag:
Fold a 16" piece of gold elastic cording in half
Poke the fold (loop) through the little hole in the top of the tag only about an inch
Pull the two loose ends of the cord through that loop and gently pull it snug. (Be careful to not pull too hard and rip right through the cardstock.)
Put those two loose ends through one of the ribbons already attached, and then tie them together into a regular bow!
Here is a little chalkboard I got for a dollar at Michael's. As you can see from the not-so-erased writing under "Beautiful," it's not the highest quality chalkboard, so think and plan it out ahead so that you don't have to erase anything.

This is a little tea light candle, around which I glued a piece of lace, and then I included a small box of stick matches in the cellophane bag.

Use whatever ribbon you have on hand to close and tie the top! (I prefer a craft or fabric type ribbon over a gift package curling ribbon. But it all works!)
This little tea light will obviously not give off a lot of light, of course, but it's cute and cozy, which is the sweet point!
I'm thinking now that I could have included a little note saying "Candlelight Bath - Just add one Tub of nice hot Water." This would make a fun gift, especially if you added a packet of bubble bath. (which I actually had, in the test tube of bath pearls)
Here's a little Post-it notepad I made for her. (This would make a nice little gift in itself.)

HERE is where I got the original idea for the above:
And here's a good TUTORIAL on how to make these:
And here's the photo bookmarker that I made. (Instructions in a forthcoming blog post! If you are interested in this, let me know in a comment below, and I'll bump it closer to the top of my to-do list!)

Here's the back of the same bookmarker. You can put whatever you want on the back. I made a lattice as I have a template for these and love making them. They take about 2 minutes. (Not sure if you can still get the template; I got mine about 12 years ago!)

All this said, and all these instructions and ideas given, there are no hard 'n' fast "rules"! This is just a place to start! You can do it any way you like, with any number of participants you like, with whomever you like, for any number of days you like, giving whatever gifts you like! You can even give it whatever name you like! There just isn't any way to do it wrong! Do whatever works best for you and your Bride and your Bride-Blesser gang!
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