by Barb Shelton
Nov 20, 2019
ABC Book to Make at a Baby Shower
Sharnessa, has organized this project at several showers she's given. She had the idea for the book itself; I have come up with how-to&#
by Barb Shelton with Dave Shelton
Aug 22, 2019
Man Bee Cookin' Broiled Fish
Since Dave had always just winged it when he made it, doing his own thing that he himself had made up and developed over several years, he r
by Barb Shelton
Aug 22, 2019
Create Your Own Personal Recipe Notebook
I have created a Recipe Notebook that solves "all the above" problems and frustrations! Here’s my cover, which I have created not
by Barb Shelton
Aug 22, 2019
"Older Barb" Talks to "Current Barb"
Consider your grandsons’ future weddings… Do you want to be walked up the aisle in a wheelchair? Or to walk up the aisle on your own two fe
By Barbara Shelton
Jul 31, 2019
Home Is Wherever Mom Is!
This is also the reason I will never feel at home here; my spirit is longing to be with my Lord. So the meaning of my name became a great re
By Barb (Edtl) Shelton
Mar 2, 2019
8 Sayings That Have Helped Shape My Life
The pain and grief of being left out, as many of you know, is real and is awful! But God used it to get me to a place where I became sensiti
By Barb Shelton
Feb 21, 2019
Hornets' Nest Sting Operation
Carlianne was pruning a rhododendron bush in our garden and spotted an insect that she called a “beebra” because it had the black and white
by Barb Shelton
Aug 21, 2018
Make a Wedding Gift-in-a-Can
You can include whatever you want in a Wedding Gift-in-a-Can; everything just needs to be able to fit into your can. It's amazing how mu
by Barb Shelton
Aug 20, 2018
Make a Teensy Belly Button Brush
This is literally the smallest and easiest craft project I have ever made! And also the cutest! These are fun to make with your kids or gran
by Barb Shelton
Jun 25, 2018
How to Make Training Placemats
"To get myself out of the broken-record rut, I created placemats that not only served the purpose of being actual usable placemats, but